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Part IV.

self a law which virtue and reason do not require you to obey.—It is true, says she, I sacrifice a great deal to a duty which does not subsist but in my imagination; have patience, and expect what time may produce; monsieur de Cleves is but just expired, and that mournful object is too near to leave me clear and distinct views; in the mean time, enjoy the satisfaction to know you have gained the heart of a person who would never have loved any one, had she not seen you. Believe the inclination I have for you will last for ever, and that it will be uniform and the same, whatever becomes of me. Adieu! said she; this is a conversation I ought to blush for; however, give an account of it to the viscount; I agree to it, and desire you to do it.

With these words she went away, nor could monsieur de Nemours detain her. In the next room she met with the viscount, who seeing her under so much concern would not speak to her, but led her to her coach without saying a word. He returned to monsieur de Nemours, who was so full of joy, grief, admiration, and of all those affections that attend a passion full of hope and fear, that he had not the use of his reason. It was a long time ere the viscount could get from him an account of the conversation; at last the duke related it to him, and monsieur de Chartres, without being in love, no less admired the virtue, wit, and merit of madam de Cleves, than did monsieur de Nemours himself. They began to examine what issue could reasonably be hoped for in this affair; and, however fearful the duke de Nemours was from his love, he agreed with the viscount, that it was impossible madam de Cleves should continue in the resolution she was in; they were of opinion nevertheless, that it was necessary to follow her orders, for fear, upon the public's perceiving the inclination he had for her, she should make declarations, and enter into engagements, with respect to the world, that she would afterwards abide by, lest it should be thought she loved him in her husband's life-time.