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Mary, thus earnestly entreating Mary to intercede on our behalf before the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus!

Pope Leo XIII, who is known as the Pontiff of the Rosary, recognized this truth, and ordered the Rosary to be publicly recited during the month of October, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed. It would need an Angel to describe the wondrous graces that inundate earth during this holy month, when the adorable Eucharist is enthroned on myriads of Catholic altars, and the voices of the faithful unite in reciting the Rosary, thus making sweet music which is wafted heavenwards to the throne of the glorious Queen of Heaven.

The Rosary is especially popular as a form of family prayer, and no Catholic father or mother should allow a night to pass without assembling the children, and offering together to the Mother of God this tribute of praise and of supplication. Surely every family can consecrate a quarter of an hour each day to this practice, which will bring down on the family as a whole, and on each member in particular, the richest graces that Mary’s sinless hands can bestow, and will be at the same time a pledge of her gracious and powerful protection in life and in death.
