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are obliged to go far away from home and earn your bread in the sweat of your face, then, when you long to repair to some place of amusement, and there forget your weariness and toil by means of drinking, dancing, and gambling, do not give up, but pray to God and trust in Him ! Or, as a Religious once wrote in a young man's album :

Spread thy wings and boldly fly,

Courage raises to the sky.

Say with the Royal Psalmist: "I have put my trust in Thee, O Lord ; Thou art my God. My lots are in thy hands." — Ps. xxx. 15, 16.

"It is good to confide in the Lord." — Ps. cxvii. 8.

" He will overshadow thee with His shoulders and under His wings thou shalt trust.

" His truth shall compass thee with a shield thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night.

" For He hath given His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways." — Ps. xc 4, 5, 11

6. In conclusion I will quote the remarkable words which a German statesman addressed upon one occasion to the students at the University of Innsbruck: "We find in the words of St. John (Apoc. xxi. 8) that (among the reprobates) there come in the first place the fearful, the timidiy who lack courage to stand up for the cause of God and the Church; next come thieves and other immoral persons. Think what it would be to find yourself condemned to remain for all eternity in the company of these timidi, and with them to partake of the cup which eternal justice has prepared for their punish-