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"See how He attracted the whole human race to Himself!”

And so indeed it is. The name of Jesus Christ is heard at the cradle of the infant and the grave of the old man, in the cottage and the palace; it is heard by the weak and by the strong; it sounds in the depths and.on the heights, ia water and on dry land, by day and by night.

Thus have been fulfilled those words of Our Lord: “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to Myself.”

He has drawn all things to Himself by the sweet bond of charity. He has given to us poor mortals the most convincing proofs of His in- finite love, His divine charity. Let these proofs encourage us; therefore, lift up your heart Lift it up to the holy mountain, up to the cross, up to Heaven!

2. To the holy mountain, to Mount Olivet. There behold amid the shadows of night, faintly illuminated by the light of the moon, beneath the boughs of the olive trees, a man kneeling on the ground, bowed down as if by a heavy burden, convulsively wringing His hands, His countenance pale as death, while a sweat of blood forces itself through the pores of His skin and trickles down His forehead. And His dearest friends, whom He loved as no friend ever loved his friend, no mother her child, leave Him alone in His agony; they have no word of comfort for Him, they are sleeping; they could not watch with Him one hour, although a short time before they had protested that they were ready to go with Him into prison and to death!

3. Yet all is not told. His enemies approach ake ravenous wolves, and out of their midst one