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Christ presseth us" (2 Cor. v. 14), for then only will you be able to speak of victory. Without love no victory whatever can be achieved, and on no domain. We learn this from sacred and profane history, from the history of the world, from the history of each individual man. Love, as generally understood, conquers in good as well as in evil.

What, for instance, inspired and animated many a patriot to march fearlessly to battle, and to perform those immortal deeds of heroism which are read of in the pages of history? It was love, love of their native land.

What induced Napoleon the Great to give himself no rest, but to drive his triumphal chariot through all the countries of Europe? It was love, the love of fame.

What Induces the miser to resist the most powerful of all instincts, the desire for food and drink, and literally to starve himself to death, with a chest full of gold in his possession? It is love, the love of money.

3. What leads an invalid to conquer Tea? and anguish, and to submit to a most painful and dangerous operation? It is love, the love of his own life, which makes him risk everything.

What causes a mother so often to give up her own ease and comfort, and sacrifice money, time, sleep, health, and everything she can call her own, for the sake of a sick child? It is love, her great love for her offspring.