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factory for all the ordinary occasions for which a "Prayerbook" is wanted by young men in the world. We certainly desired and planned to add a larger collection of prayers. But this would have made a volume of great bulk, and our young men do not like to carry a bulky book.

To Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and the Mother of Good Counsel we humbly and respectfully dedicate our little " Guide." May she bless our youthful friends, and pray for them, that they may love and honor Jesus more and more in the Sacrament of His love, that they may learn to know Him better, who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life," and, above all, that they may follow Him and walk in justice, holiness, and truth toward that complete beatitude which is the crown of the saints.

F. X. Lasance.

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Feast of the Assumption

of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1909.