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few relatives and intimate friends. He loved his good old mother with a most tender devotion, and publicly as well as privately showed her every mark of filial love and reverence. This conduct gained him honor in the eyes of all, and the newspapers spoke of it in terms of the highest praise.

Yet why should we look to men for an example of the manner in which the fourth commandment ought to be kept, when the Son of God Himself, in the holy house at Nazareth, furnished the mos: splendid example of this to young people in all ages. Look at this example, strive to copy it, when you find it difficult to obey.

By the recognition of authority, and by submission to it, the world would become a paradise. Do all* that lies in your power, and remember the great reward which is promised to him who obeys: "An obedient man shall speak of victory" (Prov. xxi. 28).

To Nazareth go, and thou wilt mirrored see What thy obedience ought, my son, to be.

XXX. Honor thy Father and thy Mother

1. OF WHAT continual sacrifices is parental love capable! What is it which turns the hair of the father of a family prematurely gray, what imprints wrinkles on his brow, what causes the once vigorous and stalwart frame to be bent and broken before its time? It is the wearing