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the thought that they always honored their parents, and were ever to them a cause of joy, and never of sorrow.

4. Now they are standing before the Eternal Judge. He looks graciously upon them, for His all-seeing eye discerns in them a resemblance to Himself, since they were obedient to their parents as He was during His life upon earth. He needs no further testimony, but He calls their parents as if to receive a triumphal reception, and invites them to witness the reward bestowed upon their good children in the sight of the whole world.

Then He says to these dutiful children "What you did to your parents, you did to Me. Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess ye the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." But who can depict the indescribable glory and blessedness of that kingdom I Therefore honor your father and mother, in order that you may be a partaker of the eternal joys of heaven.

Remember the warning words of the Holy Spirit : " Son, support the old age of thy father, and grieve him not in his life. Forget not the groanings of thy mother" (Ecclus. iii. 14; vii. 29).

Honor and love your father and mother,
Cherish them as you cherish no other,
So shall God's blessing surely attend
Your path of life to its very end.

XXXII. The Ambassadors of Christ

1. EVEN under the old covenant, namely in the Book of Ecclesiasicus, the Holy Ghost thus exhorts us: "With