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and impeded in her sacred vocation, in consequence of which infidelity creeps in everywhere, gradually gains a firm footing, and carries on its seductive, destructive work.

Truly these oscillatory, these unprincipled and cowardly individuals possess only a diluted Catholicism; they are called Catholics, but the name of Catholic sounds in their case only like a nickname.

5. To all these undecided, half-hearted Catholics may be fitly applied the words of the prophet Elias: "How long do you halt between two sides? If the Lord be God, follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him." O ye Christians, how long do you halt between two sides, between the side of your Church and the side of her enemies? If in your hearts you are really Catholic Christians, speak and act as such on every occasion, and in every society.

6. We live in an age when decision is necessary, when half-heartedness can no more be tolerated in any struggle, whether in matters of religion, or in any other domain. A very momentous time is before us, a period when the civilized world will divide itself more and more into two opposite camps.

"Either for Christ or against Christ," such is the watchword, the rallying cry! It behooves us to take a firm stand under the banner of Christ. ' The future belongs only to resolute, whole-hearted men! Be a man; a dauntless, whole-hearted Catholic.