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to your mind. He has placed a special sentinel at the door of your heart, the voice of conscience. Only follow cheerfully when it calls, and all will be well. For the important matter is to obey your conscience.

3. "But," you hear people say, "it is impossible to obey the Church in everything." Yet the Saviour has declared definitely and decidedly : "He that will not hear the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen and publican." Thus we must hear the Church and obey her; therefore it must be possible to do so, since God commands nothing which is impossible. He makes that possible which would be impossible to our unaided powers; nay more, He even renders it easy with the help of His grace. St. Paul testifies to this truth when he says: "I can do all things in Him who strengtheneth me" (Phil. iv. 13).

4. Especially are objections raised to the laws of the Church concerning marriage; people say, for instance: "But there are many mixed marriages which are perfectly happy; the Church is therefore much too severe when she warns her children so strongly and persistently against contracting such unions."

To this I answer in the first place: If the so-called happiness to be found in mixed marriages must be purchased at the cos of the Protestant bringing up of the children, it is much too dearly bought; and however great it may appear in the eyes of the world,