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glorious war of independence in the year 1809; such as that which the patriots of Ireland and Poland displayed in their long struggle and heroic resistance to their anti-Catholic persecutors — suffering fire, sword, famine, poverty, sickness, and every kind of privation for the sake of religious principle and love of country.

What strengthened the hand of all these heroes, what rendered them so courageous? It was our holy religion, our Catholic faith.

Does history furnish a more splendid example of patriotism than that of the heroic Maid of Orleans? In her case love of God and love of country were certainly united most intimately. The Blessed Joan of Arc was convinced that God, Eternal Justice, looked with pity upon her oppressed Fatherland and that she was commissioned from on high to deliver her country; hence her undaunted courage, her valor, her energy, her perseverance, and her triumph.

Do you, therefore, my dear young friend, highly prize your holy Catholic religion, faithfully fulfil all the duties it lays upon you, order your life according to the laws it proclaims; then will you in the right way have eye, heart, and hand for your Fatherland.

I love thee my country, the dearest of all,
I will faithfully serve thee whatever befall;
A powerful source of courage to me
The Faith of my fathers ever shall be.