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with our suffering Redeemer. From thence He calls to us especially if it happens to be Sunday: "The day of redemption is here see, I go forth to Mount Calvary, to the altar, in order to renew the sacrifice of the Cross for the good of your souls. If you love Me, if you wish to show your gratitude for My love, come with Me and assist at the Holy Sacrifice, the oblation of the New Testament."

4. But this is not the only thing that God can claim on Sundays and holydays; there is something more you owe to Him. The Saviour Himself said: "He that is of God, heareth the words of God" (John viii. 47). Especially on Sundays and holydays you ought to hear the word of God, as it is proclaimed in sermons and religious instructions.

For all Christians, and especially for young men of your age, it is necessary that they should be repeatedly reminded of the truths of the Faith, and exhorted to do right. Even though you are familiar with the truths of the Faith, they are frequently left out of sight, and not taken to heart. And how easily it happens that the thoughtless young man loses his fervor, becomes negligent in the exercises of piety, grows weary of treading the path of virtue, and careless as to right and wrong. Therefore, how necessary and salutary it is that he very frequently, on all Sundays at least, should be instructed, encouraged, and stimulated to walk in the right way.

5. To be remiss in attending sermons and