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used by Religious, such as Hamon's, De Brandt's, Segneri's, Vercruysse's, and Ilg's "Meditations on the Life and Passion of Our Lord." Father Gallwey's "Watches of the Passion," and Da Bergamo's "Thoughts 'and Affections on the Passion" are worthy of the highest commendation.

St. Alphonsus says: "It is good to meditate upon the last things — death, judgment, eternity — but let us above all meditate upon the passion of Christ." This saint, the great Doctor of Prayer , has given us a beautiful work on " The Passion."

St. Teresa tells us that in her meditations she helped herself with a book for seventeen years. By reading the points of a meditation from a book, the mind is rendered attentive and is set on a train of thought. Further to help the mind you can ask yourself some such questions as the following : What does this mean? What lesson does it teach me? What has been my conduct regarding this matter? What have I done,what shall I do, and how shall I do it? What particular virtue must I practise? But do not forget to pray.

Do not imagine, moreover, that it is necessary to wait for a great fire to flame up in your soul, but cherish the little spark that you have got. Above all, never give way to the mistaken notion that you must restrain yourself from prayer in order to go through all the thoughts suggested by your book, or because your prayer does not appear to have a close connection with the subject of your meditation. This would simply be to turn from God to your own thoughts or to those of some other man.

To meditate means in general nothing else