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their love; they are ever thinking of Him, they long after Him; they aspire to Him, and frequently speak of Him; and were it possible, would engrave in the hearts of all mankind the name of their beloved Jesus."

Make use of Short Indulgenced Prayers. Ejaculations approved by the Church are certainly most commendable.

St. Philip Neri says:

" It is an old custom with the servants of God always to have some little prayers ready and to be darting them up to heaven frequently during the day, lifting their minds to God out of the filth of this world. He who adopts this plan will get great fruit with little pains."

XLIII. A Place of Healing for Souls

1.THERE is a wondrous fountain of health — a marvelous place of healing for souls, which derives its efficacy from the precious blood of Jesus Christ; it is the sacrament of Penance. May you ever be filled in an increasing degree with veneration, and, I had almost said, with holy enthusiasm, for this place of healing for souls.

Picture to yourself a man who, having committed a grievous sin, knows nothing of the sacrament of Penance. He looks into himself, is conscious of the magnitude of his transgression, and the wretched state into which he has fallen. With sighs and groans he exclaims: "How happy I was, in the paradise of innocence! How pure was my soul, on which the heavenly Father's eye looked with pleasure I With what joy and confidence I prayed to Him! How