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eye of his soul and brought him to sincere conversion — to a truly Christian disposition He described this change in one of his own works entitled "La bonne souffrance," or "Happy Suffering." In it are details concerning confession, prayer, and suffering, which are truly sublime and admirable, evincing a depth of thought which could only be expected from an experienced writer on spiritual subjects. Especially to be admired is the subjoined eulogy of confession.

2. "Surprising and most wonderful," thus run his words, "is the mysterious power of the sacrament of Penance. In it alone does the tortured heart find the consolation which it has elsewhere sought in vain. The world would unreservedly acknowledge the tremendous significance of confession, did not "the grossest ignorance And darkest prejudice prevent a clearer insight into the matter.

"Unhappy man, who at every step you take sink deeper under the heavy burden which weighs upon your conscience, come hither, lay aside your false shame. Your apprehensions are groundless, you need not fear that the stranger whom you have chosen for your confidant will betray your dark secret. Speak, therefore, without reserve; confess your whole guilt to him.

"He will answer you with fatherly love, he will only speak of mercy and pardon. As a matter of course he will require you to make reparation for the wrong you have