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It is mainly because faith is dying out amongst men that all the countless troubles between laborers and employers arise. Both sides are possessed with a spirit of greed and selfishness; none is willing to consider fairly the just claims of the other, and hence each is continually endeavoring to take unfair advantage of the needs of the other. It is only Christianity that can remedy the evils of the times. What we need is more believing and conscientious workmen and employers. Take in good part the admonitions I have addressed to you; in what I have said I have had nothing but your own welfare at heart Be upright and honest, so that your employers will have no reason to complain of you, and you will obtain that which is due to you more easily than by opposition and discontent. Every one must admire an honest, diligent workman and will be anxious to recognize his just claims by retaining him. Your calling is not without trials, but you would find just as many, and perhaps greater ones, in every other calling. And do you not know that there is One who counts the drops of sweat upon your brow, and who recompenses every sacrifice? " I will repay them according to their deeds and according to the works of their hands," saith the Lord (Jer. xxv. 14). The workman who is animated with faith and who performs the duties of his calling conscientiously will one day hear the word of Our Lord: "Well done,