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4. In all your circumstances, in the midst of trials and hardships, fail not to place your trust in God. " He hath care of you" In His own good time and way He will reward you, if you labor for love of Him, if you do all things, as the Apostle admonishes us, " in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." The demands of workmen in the present day aim only at a just rate of payment. It is otherwise with the reward which God metes out, and which we can merit by our labor, if this is performed in a state of grace, and with a good intention.

God does, indeed, measure out the reward with exactitude, so that no particle of meritorious labor shall remain unrewarded, but he measures it out in rich and overflowing fulness. He rewards everything, not with princely or royal munificence, but with divine bounty, as becomes His divine majesty.

This is told us by St. Paul, in the memorable words with which I conclude this chapter: "For that which is at present momentary and light of our tribulation, worketh for us above measure exceedingly an eternal weight of glory."

If thy fortune seem to fail
And thy efforts nought avail,
Chase away all doubt and gloom,
Bravely then thy work resume.
Riches of a higher sphere
Are gained by patient suffering here.

Hard though be thy lot
Christian workman, murmur not;
Soon the light shall dawn
Which ushers in a brighter morn.