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who habitually desecrated Sunday, either by work, or excesses of different descriptions. Later in life, however, he had been converted and had amended his ways.

He was, on one occasion, called to pass sentence of death upon a criminal who had been a member of the same society. The judge trembled to think of the danger he had incurred, and asked the unfortunate man before him what had become of his associates of former days. "Your Honor," replied the criminal, "except yourself and me, there is not one left alive; all the others have perished on the gallows, or met some form of violent death."

6. That is but one instance out of very many which prove that, as He formerly did under the old dispensation, God heavily punishes those who violate the Sabbath. Be very careful, my friend, not to desecrate Sunday, either by work, or by indulgence in sinful pleasures. Live in accordance with your faith; be a true and loyal Catholic; then will you live a happy life, and die a peaceful death.


This day the glorious Trinity
Creation's work began;
This day the world's Creator rose,
O'ercoming death for man.

So, while on this His holy day,
At this most sacred hour,
Our psalms amid the stillness rise,
May He His blessings shower.

Father of lights! keep us this day
from sinful passions free;
Grant us, in every word, and deed,
And thought, to honor Thee.

Assist us, Purity divine,
Within our hearts to quell
Those evil fires which, cherish'd here,
Augment the Barnes of hell.

Saviour, of Thy sweet clemency,
Wash Thou our sins away;
Grant us Thy peace - grant us with Thee
Thine own eternal day.

- Lyra Catholica.