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of God is reflected therein! No springtide sky shines forth as cloudlessly, no dew-drop sparkles as brightly in the rays of the morning sun, no brooklet is as clear. Thus would the angels appear, if they would assume corporal form. O blessed, indeed, are the undefiled in the way (Ps. cxviii. i), in the dust-covered road of this lower earth.

" O how beautiful is the chaste generation with glory! for the memory thereof is immortal: because it is known both with God and with men. When it is present, they imitate it; and they desire it when it hath withdrawn itself: and it triumpheth crowned forever, winning the reward of undefiled conflicts (Wis. iv. i, 2).

" Sublime praise, bestowed upon the virtue of chastity, by the Holy Ghost himself."

"Heaven rejoices over chaste souls, and looks down with pleasure upon them.

"God is a spirit; and the chaste soul approaches the spiritual nature of God, by the overcoming of the flesh.

" The angels are spirits; how much they must love mortals, who, through a fierce combat, obtain as a virtue that which they have by nature, and without any effort or struggle!

" Chastity appears worthy of veneration in the eyes of men. There are none so abandoned as not to highly value that which their cowardice alone prevents them from imitating.

" O blessed religion, which teaches, nourishes, and perfects so admirable and prolific a virtue! By it thou restorest man to himself, preservest his heavenly origin, and in a purified heart enkindlest a divine flame.

"And what is the reward for this holy virtue