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play upon words is considered the best entertainer.

2. In the face of such conduct, your duty is plain. There is in our country a highly dangerous and poisonous snake, which makes a rattling sound with its tail, from which it derives its name of rattlesnake. When this rattling sound is heard, all men become aware that the vile reptile is not far off, and they take care that they are not bitten and poisoned. After a similar fashion do unchaste persons betray themselves by immodest words. If you hear any one talk in this way, remember that it is the sound of the rattlesnake; beware, and withdraw yourself in order that this snake, this devil's agent, may not kill your soul with the poison of unchastity. If it is at all feasible, leave such company! If this is not practicable, silence the foul mouth in one way or another, administer to the speaker a sharp, but well-deserved reprimand.

3. But the enemy of innocence works still greater ruin by means of books and periodicals, than even by words. An immoral book offers to its deluded victim a sweet but deadly draught in a glittering goblet. Other tempters, those with unclean tongues, are obliged when in the company of decent people to respect the laws of morality or conventionality; but improper and salacious literature sneaks in everywhere.

Immoral books are all the more dangerous