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that you should be filled with holy horror by such serious reflections. But if you have already fallen grievously, and are still assailed by fierce temptations, O then never, never lose courage! But under all circumstances say to yourself; "I can do all things in Him who strengtheneth me." And bear constantly in mind these lines:

How short-lived the pleasure, how lasting the
Which sinful enjoyments will bring in their
Oh, turn a deaf ear to the treacherous voice
Which bids thee in what is illicit rejoice.

How to conquer

LXX. Trusty Sentinels.

1.The worst enemy of man is evil concupiscence, that lust of the flesh which seeks to wither the heavenly flower, the lily of purity, and to deprive him of it altogether. At no period is this enemy more daring and persistent than at your present time of life. Sensual desire is kindled like some uncanny fire, and frequently impels to sin with such force that the unhappy young man is obliged to put forth all the spiritual and moral strength of which he is possessed, in order not to succumb in this arduous encounter.

It is of the utmost importance that you should know exactly what are the means to defend and to preserve your chastity. It is of these means that I am now about to speak.