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tormented by temptation, and exposed to the risk of losing your innocence.

6. But you must endeavor to receive Him frequently in holy communion.

For the celestial dew contained in this wondrous sacrament imparts divine strength. How could it be otherwise? Holy communion is a union between Jesus and ourselves, a union so intimate that even His almighty love could have devised none closer. He Himself has said: "He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in Him." This most intimate union effects a transformation by the fire of divine charity. The partaking of His most sacred body and blood weakens concupiscence and gives the feeble will strength for conflict By partaking of this Sacrament the soul is filled with a joy compared with which the pleasures of sin appear contemptible, and bitter as gall. If Jesus, who is Purity itself, unites Himself so closely to your soul, how can the unclean spirit dare to approach you? If you frequently receive Him in this sacred banquet, if He nourishes, fortifies, ennobles, and sanctifies your soul with His omnipotent grace, must not your lily of innocence ever become stronger, fairer, and more fragrant?

Amid dangers and temptations let this be your prayer:

In life's hard conflict be Thou near,
My God, for then no foe I fear;
Left to myself I needs must fall;
Strengthened by Thee, I conquer all.