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clearly understand the provisions of this decree the Superior of each house is to see that it is read in community, in the vernacular, every year within the octave of the feast of Corpus Christi.

9. Finally, after the publication of this decree, all ecclesiastical writers are to cease from contentious controversies concerning the dispositions requisite for frequent and daily communion.

All this having been reported to His Holiness Pope Pius X by the undersigned Secretary of the Sacred Congregation, in an audience held on December 17, 1905, His Holiness ratified and confirmed the present decree, and ordered it to be published, anything to the contrary notwithstanding. He further ordered that it should be sent to all local ordinaries and regular prelates, to be communicated by them to their respective seminaries, parishes, religious institutes, and priests; and that in their reports concerning the state of their respective dioceses or institutes they should inform the Holy See concerning the execution of the matters therein determined.

Given at Rome, the 20th day of December, 1905.

✠ Vincent,

Card. Bishop of Palestrina, Prefect.

Cajetan De Lai, Sec.