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Jesus, we must draw Mary to us. The Rosary is the sweet and powerful means of finding Jesus through His Mother. What, in truth, does Jesus eucharistic long for? What does He desire in abiding with us, except to live always in our thoughts, in our love? 'Do this in commemoration of Me,' did He say when giving us the Eucharist. Now, the Rosary responds to the same desire. As the Blessed Sacrament contains Jesus, with all the graces and virtues of His past states, so the Rosary calls up before the mind's eye all His mysteries. Therefore it is that, after the Eucharist and the liturgical offices, which successively recall to us all the feasts of Our Lord, the Rosary is the very best way of continually contemplating the life of Jesus Christ and of uniting ourselves to Him. "If we afford so much pleasure to father, to mother, to friends, by a hearty greeting, how much more must our fervent Angelic Salutation, "please Jesus and Mary! Oh, then, let us repeat, without tiring, this filial salutation, and Jesus and Mary will help us now and at the hour of our death!"

LXXVI. St. Joseph, the Universal Helper

Like stars in the sky, through the long night of Time, shine out the saints, gracious, serene, and holy, and, like the celestial orbs, exercising a beneficent influence upon successive generations of men. Amongst them all, as some planet of surpassing radiance, is Joseph,