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may never be approached by a seducer! What an easy prey he would find!

"There are characters so flighty that even God's grace seems inefficacious in their regard. Interior admonitions, salutary inspirations, good example - all these, and even more, produce no effect; for the volatile soul pays no attention to them, refuses to co-operate with them.

"Pitiable characters, who can be transformed into reliable men only with great difficulty and the most indefatigable perseverance!

"Yet such natures are by no means incorrigible.

"No, young man! despond not! Earnest efforts must be successful.

"First of all, be humble, and acknowledge your inconstancy. Then, endeavor to cope with it in detail.

"Have the courage necessary to keep a strict watch over yourself for a time; and by continually renewing your good resolutions fight against the failings you discover within you.

"Accustom yourself to quiet and reflection. Do not act precipitately nor impetuously. Render an account to yourself of all that you do.

"Do not permit your feelings to get the upper hand; rather strive to become the master of your own heart.

"Nothing is more disgusting than a sentimental piety,

"Nothing is further from perfection than that external piety which derives its sweetness from the feelings alone.

"Nothing is more inefficacious than a piety which lives only on impressions.

"Of course, there is a sensible devotion, and it is of value; for it is a gift of the Holy Ghost