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Thou, who feedest us below!
Source of all we have or know!
Grant that with Thy saints above,
Sitting at the feast of love,
We may see Thee face to face.

Jesus is God

Jesus is God! the glorious bands
  Of golden angels sing
Songs of adoring praise to Him,
  Their maker and their king.
He was true God in Bethlehem's crib
  On Calvary's cross true God,
He who in heaven eternal reigned,
  In time on earth abode.

Jesus is God! alas! they say
  On earth the numbers grow
Who His divinity blaspheme
  To their unfailing woe.
And yet what is the single end
  Of this life's mortal span,
Except to glorify the God
  Who for our sakes was man?

Jesus is God! let sorrow come,
  And pain, and every ill;
All are worth while, for all are means
  His glory to fulfil;
Worth while a thousand years of life
  To speak one little word,
If by our Credo we might own
  The Godhead of Our Lord!

Jesus is God! O could I now
But compass land and sea,