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To know the difference between statesmanship and political wire-pulling.

To remember that a trickster holding office s a standing reproach to the community which permitted his election.

To let love of country be second only to Jove of God.

To know that the very least a loyal son of his country can do is to cast his vote for good men.

To contribute cheerfully to all public enterprises.

To remember that a bad Christian never made a good citizen.

To answer in the negative Scott's immortal question:

Breathes there a man with soul so dead
Who never to himself has said
This is my own, my native land?

It is Not the Correct Thing: For a man to think that he can rightfully live only for himself.

To claim the benefits of citizenship, and to shirk its burdens.

To think that rights have not their corresponding obligations.

To imagine that it is unworthy of a gentleman to take an interest in politics.

To think that a man entitled to the ballot, who holds aloof from the polls and then talks about political corruption, is not partly to blame for such a state of affairs.