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And if it be the will of God that you should enter a Religious Order, it would be difficult for you to work out your salvation in the world.

Therefore St. Gregory of Nazianzen says: "He who makes a mistake as to his vocation will fall from one error to another all his life long, and at the end of it may possibly even find himself deceived as to his hope of heaven."

5. It is easy to see the reason which lies at the root of this. If a young man refuses to follow the clear call of God, because to do so would involve a sacrifice, he forfeits many graces.

You have as yet perhaps not reached the parting of the ways, and years may elapse before the moment for a decision arrives. You may already be filled with anxious dread lest you should make a wrong choice, and wreck your prospects of happiness. But fear not, be of good courage! There is a sure and simple means of choosing aright. In the meantime be truly chaste and pious, and your choice cannot fail to be a happy one.

Many are the ways that here
Lead unto a higher sphere:
One thy God has traced for thee,
Best and safest that will be.

LXXXIII. Good Advice

1.When a parish priest, a director of souls, surveys the young people belonging to his flock, he asks himself with a