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Lord of hosts " (Malach. ii. 7). And do you suppose that the priestly eloquence, by means of which the Holy Ghost speaks to the faithful, can exist without a solid, scientific foundation?

Is your life spotless? A youth spent in purity is, of course, the best recommendation; yet, on the other hand, penitents are not excluded from the priesthood - penitents, that is, such as have expiated and are still expiating the transgressions whereby they once criminally desecrated their youth; penitents, who, after having long since, and most energetically, renounced their evil habits, prepare themselves by a pure present for a still purer future, and leave no means untried to grow and advance in virtue and holiness.

As regards the marks themselves, there are very many; the greater the number you possess, the more certain your call.

Is your intention a perfectly pure one? Do you seek in the priesthood God, your own, and your neighbor's salvation, and nothing temporal - such as honor, prosperity, ease, comfort? Is it God, above all, that urges you to embrace this state? Have you heard this call repeatedly?

Do you perceive an -interior urging to this holy state? Does the thought of your future priesthood calm and refresh you?

Is the honor of God really dear to your heart? Have you a lively desire to save souls?

Do you find pleasure in spiritual things?