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transgress the commandments of the Lord our God. Take heed to keep thyself, my son, from all fornication; never suffer pride to reign in thy mind or in thy words, for from ft all perdition took its beginning. May you have a good journey, and God be with you on your way, and his angel accompany you! "

"In doing good, let us not fail; for in due time, we shall reap, not failing" (Gal. vi. 9).


Do you wish the world were better?
Let me tell you what to do.
Set a watch upon your actions.
Keep them always straight and true.
Rid your mind of selfish motives,
Let your thoughts be clean and high.
You can make a little Eden
Of the sphere you occupy.

Do you wish the world were happy?
Then remember day by day
Just to scatter seeds of kindness
As you pass along the way.
For the pleasures of the many
May be ofttimes traced to one,
As the band that plants the acorn
Shelters armies from the sun. - Leaflets.

To Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Jesus, whose almighty bidding
All created things fulfil,
Lived on earth in meek subjection
To His earthly parents' will

Sweetest Infant, make us patient
And obedient for Thy sake;
Teach us to be chaste and gentle,
All our stormy passions break.

Blessed Mary! thou wert chosen
As Mother of thy Lord:
Thou didst guide the early footsteps
Of the great Incarnate Word.
Dearest Mother! make us humble;
For thy Son will take His rest
In the poor and lowly dwelling
Of a humble sinner's breast.

Joseph! thou wert called the father
Of thy Maker and thy Lord;
Thine it was to save thy Saviour
From the cruel Herod's sword.
Suffer us to call thee father;
Show to us a father's love;
Lead us safe through every danger
Till we meet in heaven above.