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understanding of all that is taught by the infallible Church. This is more especially necessary in the days in which our lot is cast.

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come,
  From Thy bright, heavenly throne;
Come, take possession of our souls,
  And make them all Thy own.
O! guide our minds with Thy blest light,
  With love our hearts inflame;
And with Thy strength, which ne'er decays,
  Confirm our mortal frame.
Far from us drive our hellish foe,
  True peace unto us bring;
And through all perils lead us safe,
  Beneath Thy sacred wing.

XI. One True Church; One True Doctrine

1. CHRIST founded only one Church, for He declared clearly and decidedly: "Upon this rock I will build My Church," and not "My churches." Hence the teaching of Christ is one, the faith is one, the truth is one. This, however, contrasts in the most striking manner with religious indifferentism. What does this term mean?

My young friend, you have perhaps already heard, or will hear at some future day, the foolish talk which asserts it to be a matter of no possible consequence to what religious body one belongs, for one can save one's soul just as well in other churches as in the Roman Catholic Church, since it is only necessary to