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religion set their neighbors, their children! What do they read? All kinds of literature — but no Catholic newspapers or periodicals are to be found on their table.

How ruinous in respect to the Church and to society! There are thousands of mixed marriages, and the children born of these unions ought of course to be baptized as Catholics; instead of which an immense proportion of them are lost to the Church. The harm is no less great in regard to society at large. Religion is rightly considered to be the surest bulwark of the State. But indifferentism can not be looked upon as a power for good in respect to society, since it is not founded upon the fear of God, attention to the voice of conscience, and so on. There is but one true Church of Christ — but one true faith — but one true religion.

6. To conclude: Do not seek a quarrel with others who are not of your faith. But if they attack your Church or your faith, to remain indifferent would be an act of treason in regard to your most precious treasure. Therefore in such a case do not say: "All right, let us talk about this some other time"; but rather quote the saying in vogue among a heathen tribe, "Slay me, but spare my mother"; take your Church under your protection as the guardian of the one, eternal truth.

What is the greatest treasure mortals can possess?

What is it raises man into a higher sphere?