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ing " I soon found that in the search after truth, the disposition of the heart was the most important thing. I therefore began with prayer, and I speedily improved and regained my faith."

Do you therefore apply yourself to prayer. Pray that you may preserve your most precious treasure amid the numerous dangers to be encountered in the world of our own day. Especially in seasons of temptation, pray to God in the language of the Gospel: "I do believe, Lord help my unbelief!" On no account consider your Catholic faith to be of little value. For, as St. Augustine says: "There is no greater wealth, no more valuable possession than the Catholic faith."

Faith of our Fathers! living still,
In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword;
O, how our hearts beat high with joy
Whene'er we hear that glorious word:
Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith  !
We will be true to thee till death!

— Oratory Hymns.

XIII. Be on Your Guard!

I. IN THE course of my long experience in the cure of souls, I have met with many instances of the manner in which young men who came from thoroughly Catholic neighborhoods and pious families have later on under the influence of irreligious and impious associations been unable to keep straight, but have lost