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take scandal and allow themselves to be led away, while Holy Church sighs daily over these deceivers and deceived. May you never be counted among their number!

3. Thus is poison also diffused by means of the pen. It is, indeed, a sad pity that so many young persons are poisoned in mind, lose their virtue and their faith, through the medium of books! It is only necessary to go about in cities, towns, and villages, in order to come on the track of the mysteries of iniquity. There are often whole shops full of books and periodicals, and standing at the windows are young persons of both sexes. What are they doing? Who are they? They are thoughtless persons whose hearts are often already corrupted, and who seek to find amusement between their working hours, and therefore patronize these places where trashy periodicals and cheap books can be obtained. Two classes of books and periodicals are to be found there to which we call your especial attention.

4. To the first class belong the various kinds of novels, romances, and salacious love stories which awaken sensuality by means of objectionable narratives, and ruin the hearts in which the light of faith still remains, by mingling with these stories contemptuous expressions and subtle attacks in regard to virtue, faith, the Church, and her servants. To the second class belong those irreligious books, newspapers, and pamphlets which