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become clouded through sin and vice! Earnestly reflect that it is well to live a Catholic, it is well to die a Catholic. During the course of 1900 years, no Catholic has ever thought of forsaking his religion upon his death-bed; but many infidels and heretics return to the bosom of the Church when they perceive the approach of death. Well is it for them if they do even this! But do you remain faithful to your Catholic faith in thought, word, and deed, even to your latest breath.

"My just man liveth by faith" says St. Paul (Heb. x. 38). Never yield to human respect; be fearless in the confession of your faith; strive to edify others by living in accordance with your faith. The life of faith gives strength, consolation, and peace to the soul in the midst of the trials of life; it is the best assurance of a happy death and of a blissful eternity.

The Helmet of Hope

XVI. The Protection of the Christian

1. THERE is a pious and pleasing legend which runs thus: When our first parents were expelled from the fair garden of Paradise, they wandered sadly up and down. Before them lay the land of toil, overgrown with thorns and thistles. Sighing, they exclaimed: "Alas! Would that the flaming sword of the angel had put an end to our existence!"

Then there breathed forth all at once a gentle breeze from Paradise; trees and shrubs swayed to and fro, and a little cloud, tinged with the roseate hues of dawn, floated down from the