Page:The "Canary" Murder Case (1927).pdf/17

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Chapter Page
Characters of the Book ix
I. The "Canary" 1
II. Footprints in the Snow 9
III. The Murder 18
IV. The Print of a Hand 34
V. The Bolted Door 48
VI. A Call for Help 58
VII. A Nameless Visitor 67
VIII. The Invisible Murderer 78
IX. The Pack in Full Cry 87
X. A Forced Interview 102
XI. Seeking Information 114
XII. Circumstantial Evidence 126
XIII. An Erstwhile Gallant 136
XIV. Vance Outlines a Theory 146
XV. Four Possibilities 157
XVI. Significant Disclosures 167
XVII. Checking an Alibi 179
XVIII. The Trap 190
XIX. The Doctor Explains 200
XX. A Midnight Witness 211
XXI. A Contradiction in Dates 222
XXII. A Telephone Call 234