Page:The "Sure to Rise" Cookery Book - 3rd ed.djvu/12

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RICE PUDDING (Without Eggs).

Stir sufficient rice in boiling water, let boil quarter of an hour, then drain water off, stirring into the boiled rice a cupful of milk and dessertspoonful of sugar. Make a custard (see direction for Custard, page 41), put the rice into a dish, mix thoroughly with the custard while hot. Grate nutmeg on top; bake as usual.

SAGO PUDDING (Without Eggs).

Stir sufficient sago in boiling water, let boil 15 minutes, then drain water off, stir into the sago a cupful of milk and dessertspoonful sugar; make custard (see direction for Custard, page 41), pour the stewed sago into a dish, mix well with the custard while hot. Grate nutmeg on top; bake as usual.


  • 1 heaped breakfast cup flour
  • 1 pint milk, good measure
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon dripping

Sift flour into a basin, sprinkle salt over it, and make a hole in the middle. Break each egg separately, and stir gradually in, add sufficient milk with wooden spoon until thick batter, then add and mix remainder of milk, and allow the batter to stand for half-an-hour. Place the dripping into a baking dish, make quite hot, and pour in batter; bake slowly for half-hour. A layer of raisins put in bottom of tin before pouring in batter makes a nice raisin Batter Pudding; try this.