Page:The "Sure to Rise" Cookery Book - 3rd ed.djvu/38

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Rub into 11/2 breakfastcups of flour 3 tablespoonfuls each of lard and butter; add 6 ozs. moist sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, a little of the juice, and a heaped teaspoonful of Edmonds' Prize Baking Powder. Mix into moderate paste, with 2 well beaten eggs. Divide into cakes; place on greased oven shelf, and bake in brisk oven 20 minutes.

TEA CAKES (Without Eggs).

  • 1 ℔. flour
  • 4 ozs. sugar
  • 4 ozs. butter
  • 2 teaspoonfuls Edmonds' Egg Powder
  • 1/2℔. dates (or sultanas) chopped
  • Milk to mix, salt a pinch

Rub butter into flour, add all dry ingredients, mix all together to a paste with milk, turn out on board, form into a roll, and cut in equal parts, put on cold greased and floured tray, and bake in quick oven.


  • 1 breakfastcup flour
  • 3 heaped dessertspoonfuls sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Edmonds' Baking Powder
  • 1 egg
  • 3 ozs. butter
  • Candied peel and milk
  • Essence of lemon to taste

Rub butter into flour, add other dry ingredients, mix well, then add the egg well beaten, and enough milk to make a stiff dough. Place in small lots on a cold greased oven shelf. Put a piece of candied peel on top of each. Bake in quick oven about 10 minutes.