Page:The "Sure to Rise" Cookery Book - 3rd ed.djvu/43

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LEMON HONEY (For Sponges or Tarts).

  • 1 ℔. sugar
  • Rind and juice of 4 lemons
  • 4 ozs. butter
  • 4 eggs

Grate only the yellow part of the lemon rinds (avoid white part, as it is bitter), strain the juice, beat eggs a little, put all ingredients into enamelled pot; cook slowly until thick and smooth. Do not let it boil, put in jar, and cover when cold.


  • 1/2 packet isinglass or gelatine
  • 5 ozs. loaf sugar
  • 3/4 pint cold water
  • 2 lemons
  • Whites of 2 eggs

Soak the isinglass or gelatine in 3/4 pint cold water, then dissolve over the fire with the rind of two lemons thinly pared, add the sugar and the juice of 2 lemons. Boil all together 2 or 3 minutes; strain and let it remain until nearly cold, and beginning to set, then add the white of 2 eggs, well beaten, and whisk 10 minutes, when it will become the consistence of sponge; put it lightly into a glass dish immediately, leaving it in appearance as rocky as possible.

All fruit sponges are made in the same way. If syrups are used for flavouring, use 3/4 oz. gelatine.


Barely cover fruit with water, and sugar to taste. Simmer till tender (with no addition of water), then serve either hot or cold, with custard.

(To make custard, see page 41).