Page:The Acts of the Indian Legislature and of the Governor General for the year 1923.pdf/281

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of 1923.]
Indian Official Secrets

on appeal, or in the course of the trial of a . person under this Act, application is made by the prosecution, on the ground that the publication of any evidence to be given or of any statement to be made in the course of the proceedings would be prejudicial to the safety of the State, that all or any portion of the public shall be excluded during any part of the hearing, the Court may make an order to that effect, but the passing of sentence shall in any case take place in public.

Offences by companies. 15. Where the person guilty of an offence under this Act is a company or corporation, every director etc. and officer of the company or corporation with whose knowledge and consent the offence was committed shall be guilty of the like offence. Repeals.

16. The Indian Official Secrets Act, 1889XV of 1889., and the Indian Official Secrets (Amendment) Act, 1904V of 1904. , are hereby repealed.