Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/155

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  • clus' wife, of Rhoeteum—mark those signs of heavenly

beauty, those glowing eyes—what a presence is there—what features—what a tone in her voice—what majesty in her gait! Beroe I myself parted from but now, and left her sick and sullen to think that she alone should fail 5 at this observance, nor pay Anchises the honour that is his due." Such were her words, while the matrons, doubtful at first, were looking on the ships with evil eyes, distracted between their fatal yearning for a country now theirs, and the voice of destiny from realms beyond the 10 sea—when the goddess, spreading her two wings, soared up into the sky and severed the clouds as she flew with the giant span of her bow. Then indeed, maddened by the portent, goaded by frenzy, they shriek one and all, and snatch fire from house and hearth—some strip the altars, 15 and fling on the vessels leaf and bough and brand. The fire-god revels in full career along bench and oar, and painted pine-wood stern. The news of the fleet on fire is carried by Eumelus to Anchises' tomb, and the seats in the circus. They look back, and with their own eyes see 20 sparks and smoke in a black flickering cloud. First of all Ascanius, riding in triumph at the head of his cavalry, spurred his horse just as he was to the wildering camp, while his breathless guardians strive in vain to stay him. "What strange madness this? whither now, whither 25 would ye go," cries he, "my poor countrywomen? It is not the Argive foe and his hated camp—it is your own hopes that you are burning. See, I am your own Ascanius"—at his feet he flung his empty helmet which he was wearing in sport as he helped to raise the image of war. 30 Quick follows Æneas, quick the Teucrian host at his heels. But the matrons are flying in panic along the coast, now here, now there, stealing to the thickest woods and the deepest caves. They loathe the deed and the daylight. Sobered, they know their friends again, and Juno is exorcised 35 from their souls. But not for all this will blaze and burning resign their unslaked powers: deep among the moistened timber smoulders the quick tow, discharging