Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/214

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But Trivia kind her favourite hides
And to Egeria's care confides,
To live in woods obscure and lone,
And lose in Virbius' name his own.
'Tis thence e'en now from Trivia's shrine 5
  The horn-hoofed steeds are chased,
Since, scared by monsters of the brine,
The chariot and the youth divine
  They tumbled on the waste,
Yet ne'ertheless with horse and car 10
His dauntless son essays the war.

  In foremost rank see Turnus move,
His comely head the rest above:
On his tall helm the triple cone
Chimæra in relief is shown; 15
The monster's gaping jaws expire
Hot volumes of Ætnæan fire:
And still she flames and raves the more
The deeper floats the field with gore.
With bristling hide and lifted horns 20
So, all gold, his shield adorns,
  E'en as in life she stood;
There too is Argus, warder stern,
And Inachus from graven urn,
  Her father, pours his flood. 25
A cloud of footmen at his back
And shielded hosts the plain made black;
Auruncans, Argives, brave and bold,
Rutulians and Sicanians old,
Sacranians thirsting for the field, 30
Labici with enamelled shield;
Who Tiber's lawns with furrow score
And pure Numicius' sacred shore,
Subdue Rutulian slopes, and plough
Circeius' steep reluctant brow: 35
Where Anxur boasts her guardian Jove
And greenly blooms Feronia's grove;
Where Satura's unlovely mere
  In sullen quiet sleeps,
And Ufens gropes through marshland drear 40
  And hides him in the deeps.