Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/259

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him wantonly within the walls, like monstrous tiger
among a herd of helpless cattle! On the instant a strange
light flashed from the eyes of the foe, and his arms gave a
fearful clang; on his helm quivers his crest, red as blood,
and from his shield he darts gleaming lightnings. With 5
sudden confusion the children of Æneas recognize that
hated form and those giant limbs. Then forth springs
mighty Pandarus, and with all the glow of wrath for his
brother's death bespeaks him thus: "This is not the
bridal palace of Amata, nor is it Ardea that embraces 10
Turnus in the walls of his fathers; the enemy's camp is
before you; all escape is barred." To him Turnus, smiling
in quiet mood: "Begin, if you have courage, and engage in
combat. Priam shall learn from you that here too you
have found an Achilles." Thus he: Pandarus, with the 15
full strain of his power, hurls his spear, rugged with knots
and unpeeled bark. It was launched on the air; but Saturnian
Juno turned aside the coming wound, and the
spear lodged in the gate. "But this my weapon you
shall not escape, swayed as it is by my hand's full force; 20
he from whom wound and weapon come is too strong for
that." So cries Turnus, and rises high upon his lifted
sword, and cleaves with the steel the forehead in twain full
between the temples, parting beardless cheek from cheek
with a ghastly wound. A crash is heard: earth is shaken 25
by the enormous weight: the unnerved limbs, the arms
splashed with gore and brain are stretched in death on the
ground; and the head, shared in equal parts, hangs right
and left from either shoulder. The routed Trojans fly
here and there in wildering terror; and had the thought at 30
once seized the conqueror, to burst the gates by main
force and give entrance to his friends, that day would have
ended a war and a nation both. But rage and mad thirst
for blood drove him in fury on the foe before him. First
he surprises Phalaris and hamstrings Gyges; plucks forth 35
spears and hurls them on the backs of the fliers; Juno
gives supplies of strength and courage. He sends Halys to
join them and Phegeus, pierced through the shield, and