Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/280

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find compassion." Æneas cut short his entreaties; "Not
such were your words a moment ago; die, and forsake
not your brother, as brother should:" and cleaving the
bosom with his sword, he laid bare the seat of breath.
Such were the deaths that the Dardan leader dealt about 5
the plains, storming along like torrent wave or murky
tempest. At length the prisoners burst forth and leave
their camp, the young Ascanius and the soldiery beleaguered
in vain.

Jupiter meanwhile first addresses Juno: "Sister mine 10
and sweetest wife in one, Venus it is, even as thou didst
suppose—for thy judgment is never at fault—that upholds
the powers of the Trojans, not the warriors' own
keen right hand and the courageous soul that braves
every peril." Juno returned, meekly: "Why, my fairest 15
lord, dost thou vex a sick spirit that quails before thy
cruel speeches? Had my love the force it once had, and
which should still be its own, this at least thou wouldst
not deny me, almighty as thou art, the power to withdraw
Turnus from the fight and preserve him in safety 20
for Daunus his father. As it is, let him perish, and glut
the Teucrian vengeance with his righteous blood. Yet
he draws his name from our lineage, and Pilumnus is his
grandsire's grandsire: and often has thy temple been
loaded with store of offerings from his bounteous hand." 25
To whom, in brief reply, the lord of skyey Olympus: "If
thy prayer for the doomed youth is respite and breathing
space from present death, and so thou readest my will,
bear thou Turnus away in flight, and snatch him from
the destiny that presses on his heels. Thus far is room 30
for compliance. But if any deeper favour be hidden
under these prayers of thine, and thou deemest that the
war's whole course can be moved or changed, thou art
nursing an empty hope." Juno answered with tears:
"What if thy heart were to grant what thy tongue grudges, 35
and Turnus' life were pledged to continue? As it is, a
heavy doom hangs over his guiltless head, or I am void
of truth and wandering in delusion. But oh, that I