Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/321

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  • was looking in prospect on the plain, the two armies,

Trojan and Laurentine, and the Latian town. At once
she addressed Turnus' sister, a goddess herself, who presides
over the pool and the brawling stream—such dignity
Jove, the king of heaven, solemnly made hers in return for 5
violated maidenhood: "Sweet Nymph, glory of the rivers,
favourite of my heart, you know how I have preferred you
to all Latium's daughters who have climbed the odious bed
of our great Master and have gladly given you a seat in the
sky; and now, Juturna, learn from me your sorrow, for 10
which I am not to blame. So long as Fortune seemed
favourable and Fate allowed Latium to prosper, I spread
my shield over Turnus and these your walls: now I see
the youth engaged with a destiny mightier than his own,
and the day of doom and the power of the enemy are at 15
hand. I cannot look on the combat, nor on the league
that ushers it in. If you have the nerve to dare aught for
your brother, go on; it is a sister's part: perhaps the downtrodden
have a better lot in store." Ere she had well
ended Juturna's tears sprang forth, and thrice and again 20
her hand smote on her lovely breast. "No time for tears,"
cries Saturn's daughter: "quick, and if any way there be,
snatch your brother from death: or at least revive the war—and
mar the treaty while yet on their lips. Remember,
I warrant the attempt." With such advice she left her 25
wavering in purpose and staggering under the cruel blow.

Meantime the monarchs appear, the stately form of the
Latian king riding in a four-horse car, his brows gleaming
with a circle of twelve gilded rays, the cognizance of the Sun
his grandsire: Turnus is drawn by a snow-white pair, two 30
spears with broad iron points quivering in his hands. Then
comes father Æneas, the parent stock of the Roman tree,
blazing with his starry shield and celestial armour, and at
his side Ascanius, the second hope of mighty Rome, both
issuing from their camp: while a priest in stainless robe 35
has brought the young of a bristly boar and an unclipped
sheep of two years old, and placed the victims by the
blazing altar. They, turning their eyes to the rising sun,