Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/33

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98. Birth of Lucretius.
87. Birth of Catullus.
70. Virgil is born.
69. Birth of Mæcenas; Cicero is ædile.
66. Cicero is prætor.
65. Horace is born.
63. Birth of Octavius (afterward Gaius Julius Cæsar
      Octavianus Augustus). Cicero's consulship and
      Orations against Catiline.
60. First Triumvirate (Cæsar, Pompey, and Crassus).
58. Cicero banished. Cæsar begins conquest of Gaul.
57. Cicero recalled from exile.
55. Virgil assumes the toga virilis. Death of Lucretius,
      Cæsar in Britain.
54. Virgil studies in Milan. Death of Catullus. Cicero
      edits Lucretius' On Nature, and (perhaps) Catullus'
      Odes, and begins his essay On the State.
53. Virgil goes to Rome: Horace is also taken there.
      Cicero is augur. Parthians defeat Romans at
52. Cicero's Oration for Milo.
51. Cicero proconsul in Cilicia.
49. Civil War. Cæsar marches on Rome, bestowing
      Roman citizenship on Italians north of the Po.
      Pompey leaves Italy.
48. Battle of Pharsalia. Assassination of Pompey.
46. Battle of Thapsus. Suicide of Cato at Utica.
45. Horace goes to Athens.
44. Cæsar assassinated: Octavius, adopted in his will,
      assumes his name. Cicero's Philippics.
43. Birth of Ovid. Second Triumvirate (Octavianus,
      Antony, and Lepidus). Assassination of Cicero.
      Civil war with Brutus and Cassius. Horace a
      tribune in Brutus' army.