Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/347

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1:19. War's.

"An old and haughty nation proud in arms."

Milton, Comus.

1:21. Samos. A large island off the west coast of Asia Minor. Here were the most ancient temple and worship of Juno, here she was nurtured, and here she was married to Jupiter. 1:28. Libya. North Africa. 2:1. Fate's.

"Those three fatall Sisters, whose sad hands
Doo weave the direful threads of destinie
And in their wrath brake off the vitall bands."

Spenser, Daphnaïda.

"Comes the blind Fury with the abhorred shears
And slits the thin-spun life."

Milton, Lycidas.

"Sad Clotho held the rocke [distaff], the whiles the thrid
By griesly Lachesis was spun with paine,
That cruell Atropos eftsoones undid,
With cursed knife cutting the twist in twaine."

Spenser, Faerie Queene.

2:1. Saturn. An ancient Italian god of agriculture, identified later with the Greek god Cronos.

2:3. Argos. A city of Argolis in the Peloponnesus. One of Juno's favorite cities. Juno's love for Argos played the same part in the Trojan war as her regard for Carthage plays in the Æneid. It is used here poetically for the name of the people, i.e. = Greeks.

2:6. Paris. A son of Priam, king of Troy, who eloped with Helen and caused the Trojan war. The judgment was the award of the golden apple, prize of beauty, to Venus as against Juno and Minerva. </poem>