Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/357

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9:30. Ascanius. Son of Æneas. 9:36. Hector's.

"There in stout Hector's race three hundred years
The Roman sceptre royal shall remain."

Marlowe and Nash, Dido.

10:11. Assaracus. A Trojan king of Phrygia; he was grandfather of Anchises, hence the expression "house of Assaracus" means the descendants of Æneas. And as the Julian clan was thought to be derived from Iulus, Æneas' son, this included Julius Cæsar and his adopted son Augustus. 10:11. Phthia. A city and district in Thessaly, Greece, over which, it is said, Achilles ruled. 10:12. Mycenæ. A famous city ruled by Agamemnon, in the Morea (southern Greece). 10:12. Argos. A city of Argolis, in the Peloponnesus One of Juno's favorite cities. So fate wills that the descendants of the Trojans shall take vengeance for the destruction of Troy on the descendants of the great Greek leaders. 10:15. Stars.

                    "He shall ascend
The throne hereditary, and bound his reign
With Earth's wide bounds, his glory with the heavens."

Milton, Paradise Lost.

10:19. War.

"All loved virtue, no man was affray'd
Of force, ne fraud in wight was to be found:
No warre was known, no dreadfull trompets sound;
Peace universall rayn'd mongst men and beasts."

Spenser, Faerie Queene.