Page:The Aeneid of Virgil JOHN CONINGTON 1917 V2.pdf/370

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67:8. Aurora. Goddess of the dawn. Wife of Tithonus.

68:32. Enceladus. One of the giants who was defeated by Jupiter and imprisoned in a burning cave beneath Mount Ætna. See Longfellow's Enceladus.

"Under Mount Etna he lies,
It is slumber, it is not death;
For he struggles at times to arise,
And above him the lurid skies
Are hot with his fiery breath."

All this region, as has been—newly shown by the late terrible earthquake, is peculiarly subject to seismic disturbances.

72:17. Arethusa. According to fable, pursued by Alpheus, river-god of Elis in Greece, was turned into a subterranean river, still pursued by the river-god under the Ægean until she emerged harmoniously blent with her pursuer in the famous fountain of Ortygia. Shelley uses the legend as follows in his Arethusa:—

  "And now from their fountains
  In Enna's mountains,
Down one vale where the morning basks,
  Like friends once parted
  Grown single-hearted,
They ply their watery tasks.
  At sunrise they leap
  From their cradles steep
In the cave of the shelving hill;
  At noontide they flow
  Through the woods below
And the meadows of asphodel;
  And at night they sleep
  In the rocking deep