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resolves to go out and explore this new region; to inquire what shores be these on which the wind has driven him, who their dwellers, for he sees it is a wilderness, men or beasts; and bring his comrades back the news. His fleet he hides in the wooded cove under a hollow rock, 5 with a wall of trees and stiffening shade on each side. He moves on with Achates, his single companion, wielding in his hands two spear shafts, with heads of broad iron. He had reached the middle of the wood, when his way was crossed by his mother, wearing a maiden's mien and 10 dress, and a maiden's armour, Spartan, or even as Harpalyce of Thrace, tires steed after steed, and heads the swift waters of her own Hebrus as she flies along. For she had a shapely bow duly slung from her shoulders in true huntress fashion, and her hair streaming in the wind, her knee 15 bare, and her flowing scarf gathered round her in a knot. Soon as she sees them, "Ho![o] youths," cries she, "if you have chanced to see one of my sisters wandering in these parts, tell me where to find her—wandering with a quiver, and a spotted lynx hide fastened about her; or, it may 20 be, pressing on the heels of the foaming boar with her hounds in full cry."

Thus Venus spoke, and Venus' son replied:—"No sight or hearing have we had of any sister of thine, O thou—what name shall I give thee? maiden; for thy face is not 25 of earth, nor the tone of thy voice human: some goddess[o] surely thou art. Phoebus'[o] sister belike, or one of the blood of the nymphs? be gracious, whoe'er thou art, and relieve our hardship, and tell us under what sky now, on what realms of earth we are thrown. Utter strangers 30 to the men and the place, we are wandering, as thou seest, by the driving of the wind and of the mighty waters. Do this, and many a victim shall fall to thee at the altar by this hand of mine."

Then Venus:—"Nay, I can lay claim to no such honours. 35 Tyrian maidens, like me, are wont to carry the quiver, and tie the purple buskin high up the calf. This that you now see is the Punic realm, the nation Tyrian